Package org.niffty

Interface Summary
Anchored The Anchored interface is for music elements such as Staff, Notehead, etc.

Class Summary
Accidental An Accidental has a shape and optional tags: small size, parenthesis
Accidental.Shape An Accidental.Shape has constants for the legal shapes.
ArticulationDirection An ArticulationDirection has constants for the legal types of articulation direction used in Tags.
AugmentationDot An AugmentationDot has optional tags: logical placement.
Barline A Barline has a type, extends to, number of staves and optional tags: thickness, width and line quality.
Barline.ExtendsTo A Barline.ExtendsTo has constants for the legal "extends to" values.
Barline.Type A Barline.Type has constants for the legal barline types.
Beam A Beam has a parts to left and parts to right and optional tags: multi-node symbol tags
ChunkLengthTable ChunkLengthTable
Clef A Clef has a shape, staff step, and octave number and optional tags: logical or absolute placement, voice ID
Clef.OctaveNumber A Clef.OctaveNumber has constants for the legal octave number indicatiors.
Clef.Shape A Clef.Shape has constants for the legal shapes.
DrawShape A DrawShape holds the points defining a shape to be drawn by the Graphics class.
FannedBeam A FannedBeam has constants for the legal types of fanned beam used in Tags.
FinalPoint This is an immutable version of Point where x and y cannot change.
HeirarchyNode A HeirarchyNode is used to manage the relationship between a parent and its child nodes in a heirarchy tree.
IntRatio IntRatio is a mathematical class for representing a rational number.
KeySignature A KeySignature has a standard code indicating the number of sharps or flats
LineQuality An LineQuality has constants for the legal types of line quality used in Tags.
LogicalPlacement A LogicalPlacement tag has horizontal, vertical and proximity values.
MeasureStartTimeSlice A MeasureStartTimeSlice has a start time and optional tags and is always type MEASURE_START.
MIDIPerformance A MIDIPerformance has a start time, duration, pitch and velocity.
MusicSymbol MusicSymbol is a base class for music symbol classes used in a Staff.
NIFFInfo A NIFFInfo has a version string, writing program type, standard units, absolute units, and MIDI ticks per quarter.
Niffty Niffty is the class which a web page refers to in the applet tag.
NifftyControls A NifftyControls is the floating window that lets the user control the appearance of the score page in the main NifftyDrawPanel.
NifftyEdit A NifftyEdit provides a frame with scroll bars for viewing the Niffty applet (and eventually to edit the score).
Notehead A Notehead has a shape, staff step, and duration and optional tags: logical or absolute placement, part ID, voice ID, MIDI performance, grace note, cue note, small size, large size, invisible, split stem, silent
Notehead.Shape A Notehead.Shape has constants for the legal shapes.
Ossia An Ossia has constants for the legal types of ossia used in Tags.
Page A Page encapsulates the page information of a ScoreData.
PageHeader A PageHeader has optional tags: width and height.
PartDescriptionOverride A PartDescriptionOverride has a MIDI channel, MIDI cable and transpose.
PartsList PartsList
Placement A Placement has a horizontal and vertical placement.
Rational A Rational in an immutable object for representing a rational number with a numerator and denominator.
ReferencePointOverride A ReferencePointOverride has an anchor horizontal, dependent horizontal, anchor vertical and dependent vertical.
Rest A Rest has a shape, staff step, and duration.
Rest.Shape A Rest.Shape has constants for the legal shapes.
RIFF Class for reading RIFF files.
RiffAccidental A RiffAccidental provides static methods for encoding/decoding an Accidental using RIFF.
RiffAugmentationDot A RiffAugmentationDot provides static methods for encoding/decoding an AugmentationDot using RIFF.
RiffBarline A RiffBarline provides static methods for encoding/decoding a Barline using RIFF.
RiffBeam A RiffBeam provides static methods for encoding/decoding a Beam using RIFF.
RiffChunkLengthTable A RiffChunkLengthTable provides static methods for encoding/decoding a ChunkLengthTable using RIFF.
RiffClef A RiffClef provides static methods for encoding/decoding a Clef using RIFF.
RiffKeySignature A RiffKeySignature provides static methods for encoding/decoding a KeySignature using RIFF.
RiffMeasureStartTimeSlice A RiffMeasureStartTimeSlice provides static methods for encoding/decoding a MeasureStartTimeSlice using RIFF.
RiffNIFFInfo A RiffNIFFInfo provides static methods for encoding/decoding a NIFFInfo using RIFF.
RiffNotehead A RiffNotehead provides static methods for encoding/decoding a Notehead using RIFF.
RiffPage A RiffPage provides static methods for encoding/decoding a Page using RIFF.
RiffPageHeader A RiffPageHeader provides static methods for encoding/decoding a PageHeader using RIFF.
RiffPartsList A RiffPartsList provides static methods for encoding/decoding a PartsList using RIFF.
RiffRest A RiffRest provides static methods for encoding/decoding a Rest using RIFF.
RiffScore A RiffScore provides static methods for encoding/decoding a Score using RIFF.
RiffScoreData A RiffScoreData provides static methods for encoding/decoding a ScoreData using RIFF.
RiffScoreSetup A RiffScoreSetup provides static methods for encoding/decoding a ScoreSetup using RIFF.
RiffStaff A RiffStaff provides static methods for encoding/decoding a Staff using RIFF.
RiffStaffHeader A RiffStaffHeader provides static methods for encoding/decoding a StaffHeader using RIFF.
RiffStaffSystem A RiffStaffSystem provides static methods for encoding/decoding a StaffSystem using RIFF.
RiffStaffSystemHeader A RiffStaffSystemHeader provides static methods for encoding/decoding a StaffSystemHeader using RIFF.
RiffStem A RiffStem provides static methods for encoding/decoding a Stem using RIFF.
RiffTags A RiffTags provides static methods for encoding/decoding a Tags using RIFF.
RiffTie A RiffTie provides static methods for encoding/decoding a Tie using RIFF.
RiffTimeSignature A RiffTimeSignature provides static methods for encoding/decoding a TimeSignature using RIFF.
RiffTimeSlice A RiffTimeSlice provides static methods for encoding/decoding a TimeSlice using RIFF.
Score A Score object encapsulates the information in a NIFF file.
ScoreData A ScoreData object encapsulates the data section of a NIFF file.
ScoreSetup A ScoreSetup has a NIFF info, chunk length table and parts list.
Staff A Staff encapsulates the staff information of a StaffSystem.
StaffHeader A StaffHeader has optional tags: part ID, absolute or logical placement tags, width, height, number of staff lines, silent (used for ossias).
StaffSystem A StaffSystem encapsulates the system information of a Page.
StaffSystemHeader A StaffSystemHeader has optional tags: absolute or logical placement, width and height.
Stem A Stem has optional tags: absolute or logical placement, voice ID, part ID, multi-node symbol tags, height, small size, large size, cue note, grace note, silent, number of flags
Tags A Tags is a collection of the optional tags at the end of a chunk.
Tie A Tie has optional tags: multi-node symbol tags, tie direction, Bezier incoming and Bezier outgoing.
TieDirection An TieDirection has constants for the legal types of tie direction use in Tags.
TimeSignature A TimeSignature has a top number and bottom number and optional tags: absolute or logical placement, large size, small size.
TimeSlice A TimeSlice has a type, start time and optional tags.
TupletDescription A TupletDescription tag has a, b, c, d and grouping symbol values.

Exception Summary
HeirarchyException A HeirarchyException is thrown by HeirarchyNode if the heirarchical relationship between and parent object and its children is inconsistent.
RIFFFormatException An exception class for returning format errors in a RIFF file.