java.lang.Object | +--org.niffty.Tags
A Tags is a collection of the optional tags at the end of a chunk.
Because Tags is immutable, it doesn't have "set" methods.
But you can call cloneWithAbsolutePlacement(), etc.
to get a copy of the Tags object with the modified particular field.
For example to make a Tags with height of 10 and the endOfSystem tag
true, use:
new Tags().cloneWithHeight (new Integer (10)).cloneWithEndOfSystem (true)
Constructor Summary | |
Creates a new empty Tags object. |
Method Summary | |
Placement |
Returns the absolute placement tag as a Placement, or null if the tag is not present. |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the alternate ending tag as an Integer whose value() has the value, or null if the tag is not present. |
java.lang.String |
Returns the anchorOverride tag, or null if the tag is not present. |
ArticulationDirection |
Returns the articulation direction tag or null if the tag is not present. |
Placement |
Returns the Bezier incoming tag as a Placement, or null if the tag is not present. |
Placement |
Returns the Bezier outgoing tag as a Placement, or null if the tag is not present. |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the chord symbol offset tag as an Integer whose value() has the value, or null if the tag is not present. |
protected java.lang.Object |
Return a copy of this Tags object with all the same fields. |
Tags |
cloneWithAbsolutePlacement(Placement absolutePlacement)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with the absolute placement changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithAlternateEnding(java.lang.Integer alternateEnding)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with alternate ending changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithAnchorOverride(java.lang.String anchorOverride)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with anchorOverride changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithArticulationDirection(ArticulationDirection articulationDirection)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with articulationDirection changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithBezierIncoming(Placement bezierIncoming)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with bezierIncoming changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithBezierOutgoing(Placement bezierOutgoing)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with bezierOutgoing changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithChordSymbolOffset(java.lang.Integer chordSymbolOffset)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with chordSymbolOffset changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithCustomGraphic(java.lang.Integer customGraphic)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with customGraphic changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithEndOfSystem(boolean endOfSystem)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with the endOfSystem flag set to the given value. |
Tags |
cloneWithFannedBeam(FannedBeam fannedBeam)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with fannedBeam changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithFiguredBass(java.lang.Integer figuredBass)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with figuredBass changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithGraceNote(Rational graceNote)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with graceNote changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithGuitarGridOffset(java.lang.Integer guitarGridOffset)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with guitarGridOffset changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithGuitarTablature(boolean guitarTablature)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with the guitarTablature flag set to the given value. |
Tags |
cloneWithHeight(java.lang.Integer height)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with height changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithId(java.lang.Integer id)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with id changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithInvisible(boolean invisible)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with the invisible flag set to the given value. |
Tags |
cloneWithLargeSize(boolean largeSize)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with the largeSize flag set to the given value. |
Tags |
cloneWithLineQuality(LineQuality lineQuality)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with lineQuality changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithLogicalPlacement(LogicalPlacement logicalPlacement)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with logicalPlacement changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithMidiPerformance(MIDIPerformance midiPerformance)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with midiPerformance changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithMultiNodeEndOfSystem(boolean multiNodeEndOfSystem)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with the multiNodeEndOfSystem flag set to the given value. |
Tags |
cloneWithMultiNodeStartOfSystem(boolean multiNodeStartOfSystem)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with the multiNodeStartOfSystem flag set to the given value. |
Tags |
cloneWithNumberOfFlags(java.lang.Integer numberOfFlags)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with numberOfFlags changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithNumberOfNodes(java.lang.Integer numberOfNodes)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with numberOfNodes changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithNumberOfStaffLines(java.lang.Integer numberOfStaffLines)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with numberOfStaffLines changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithOssia(Ossia ossia)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with ossia changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithPartDescriptionOverride(PartDescriptionOverride partDescriptionOverride)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with partDescriptionOverride changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithPartID(java.lang.Integer partID)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with partID changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithReferencePointOverride(ReferencePointOverride referencePointOverride)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with referencePointOverride changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithRehearsalMarkOffset(java.lang.Integer rehearsalMarkOffset)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with rehearsalMarkOffset changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithRestNumeral(java.lang.Integer restNumeral)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with restNumeral changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithSilent(boolean silent)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with the silent flag set to the given value. |
Tags |
cloneWithSlashedStem(boolean slashedStem)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with the slashedStem flag set to the given value. |
Tags |
cloneWithSmallSize(boolean smallSize)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with the smallSize flag set to the given value. |
Tags |
cloneWithSpacingByPart(boolean spacingByPart)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with the spacingByPart flag set to the given value. |
Tags |
cloneWithSplitStem(boolean splitStem)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with the splitStem flag set to the given value. |
Tags |
cloneWithStaffName(boolean staffName)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with the staffName flag set to the given value. |
Tags |
cloneWithStaffStep(java.lang.Integer staffStep)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with staffStep changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithThickness(java.lang.Integer thickness)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with thickness changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithTieDirection(TieDirection tieDirection)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with tieDirection changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithTupletDescription(TupletDescription tupletDescription)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with tupletDescription changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithVoiceID(java.lang.Integer voiceID)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with voiceID changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
Tags |
cloneWithWidth(java.lang.Integer width)
Returns a copy of this Tags, with width changed to the given value, which may be null if the tag is not present. |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the custom graphic tag as an Integer whose value() has the value, or null if the tag is not present. |
boolean |
Returns true if the end of system tag is present, otherwise false. |
FannedBeam |
Returns the fanned beam tag or null if the tag is not present. |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the figured bass tag as an Integer whose value() has the value, or null if the tag is not present. |
Rational |
Returns the grace note tag as a Rational, or null if the tag is not present. |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the guitar grid offset tag as an Integer whose value() has the value, or null if the tag is not present. |
boolean |
Returns true if the guitar tablature tag is present, otherwise false. |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the height tag as an Integer whose value() has the value, or null if the tag is not present. |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the id tag as an Integer whose value() has the value, or null if the tag is not present. |
boolean |
Returns true if the invisible tag is present, otherwise false. |
boolean |
Returns true if the large size tag is present, otherwise false. |
LineQuality |
Returns the line quality tag or null if the tag is not present. |
LogicalPlacement |
Returns the logical placement tag, or null if the tag is not present. |
MIDIPerformance |
Returns the MIDI performance tag, or null if the tag is not present. |
boolean |
Returns true if the multi node end of system tag is present, otherwise false. |
boolean |
Returns true if the multi node start of system tag is present, otherwise false. |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the number of flags tag as an Integer whose value() has the value, or null if the tag is not present. |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the number of nodes tag as an Integer whose value() has the value, or null if the tag is not present. |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the number of staff lines tag as an Integer whose value() has the value, or null if the tag is not present. |
Ossia |
Returns the ossia tag or null if the tag is not present. |
PartDescriptionOverride |
Returns the part description override tag, or null if the tag is not present. |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the part ID tag as an Integer whose value() has the value, or null if the tag is not present. |
ReferencePointOverride |
Returns the reference point override tag, or null if the tag is not present. |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the rehearsal mark offset tag as an Integer whose value() has the value, or null if the tag is not present. |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the rest numeral tag as an Integer whose value() has the value, or null if the tag is not present. |
boolean |
Returns true if the silent tag is present, otherwise false. |
boolean |
Returns true if the slashed stem tag is present, otherwise false. |
boolean |
Returns true if the small size tag is present, otherwise false. |
boolean |
Returns true if the spacing by part tag is present, otherwise false. |
boolean |
Returns true if the split stem tag is present, otherwise false. |
boolean |
Returns true if the staff name tag is present, otherwise false. |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the staff step tag as an Integer whose value() has the value, or null if the tag is not present. |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the thickness tag as an Integer whose value() has the value, or null if the tag is not present. |
TieDirection |
Returns the tie direction tag or null if the tag is not present. |
java.lang.String |
This return the string representation. |
TupletDescription |
Returns the tuplet description tag as a TupletDescription, or null if the tag is not present. |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the voice ID tag as an Integer whose value() has the value, or null if the tag is not present. |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the width tag as an Integer whose value() has the value, or null if the tag is not present. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait |
Constructor Detail |
public Tags()
Method Detail |
protected java.lang.Object clone()
in class java.lang.Object
public Placement absolutePlacement()
public Tags cloneWithAbsolutePlacement(Placement absolutePlacement)
public java.lang.Integer alternateEnding()
public Tags cloneWithAlternateEnding(java.lang.Integer alternateEnding)
public java.lang.String anchorOverride()
public Tags cloneWithAnchorOverride(java.lang.String anchorOverride)
public ArticulationDirection articulationDirection()
public Tags cloneWithArticulationDirection(ArticulationDirection articulationDirection)
public Placement bezierIncoming()
public Tags cloneWithBezierIncoming(Placement bezierIncoming)
public Placement bezierOutgoing()
public Tags cloneWithBezierOutgoing(Placement bezierOutgoing)
public java.lang.Integer chordSymbolOffset()
public Tags cloneWithChordSymbolOffset(java.lang.Integer chordSymbolOffset)
public java.lang.Integer customGraphic()
public Tags cloneWithCustomGraphic(java.lang.Integer customGraphic)
public boolean endOfSystem()
public Tags cloneWithEndOfSystem(boolean endOfSystem)
public FannedBeam fannedBeam()
public Tags cloneWithFannedBeam(FannedBeam fannedBeam)
public java.lang.Integer figuredBass()
public Tags cloneWithFiguredBass(java.lang.Integer figuredBass)
public Rational graceNote()
public Tags cloneWithGraceNote(Rational graceNote)
public java.lang.Integer guitarGridOffset()
public Tags cloneWithGuitarGridOffset(java.lang.Integer guitarGridOffset)
public boolean guitarTablature()
public Tags cloneWithGuitarTablature(boolean guitarTablature)
public java.lang.Integer height()
public Tags cloneWithHeight(java.lang.Integer height)
public java.lang.Integer id()
public Tags cloneWithId(java.lang.Integer id)
public boolean invisible()
public Tags cloneWithInvisible(boolean invisible)
public boolean largeSize()
public Tags cloneWithLargeSize(boolean largeSize)
public LineQuality lineQuality()
public Tags cloneWithLineQuality(LineQuality lineQuality)
public LogicalPlacement logicalPlacement()
public Tags cloneWithLogicalPlacement(LogicalPlacement logicalPlacement)
public MIDIPerformance midiPerformance()
public Tags cloneWithMidiPerformance(MIDIPerformance midiPerformance)
public boolean multiNodeEndOfSystem()
public Tags cloneWithMultiNodeEndOfSystem(boolean multiNodeEndOfSystem)
public boolean multiNodeStartOfSystem()
public Tags cloneWithMultiNodeStartOfSystem(boolean multiNodeStartOfSystem)
public java.lang.Integer numberOfFlags()
public Tags cloneWithNumberOfFlags(java.lang.Integer numberOfFlags)
public java.lang.Integer numberOfNodes()
public Tags cloneWithNumberOfNodes(java.lang.Integer numberOfNodes)
public java.lang.Integer numberOfStaffLines()
public Tags cloneWithNumberOfStaffLines(java.lang.Integer numberOfStaffLines)
public Ossia ossia()
public Tags cloneWithOssia(Ossia ossia)
public PartDescriptionOverride partDescriptionOverride()
public Tags cloneWithPartDescriptionOverride(PartDescriptionOverride partDescriptionOverride)
public java.lang.Integer partID()
public Tags cloneWithPartID(java.lang.Integer partID)
public ReferencePointOverride referencePointOverride()
public Tags cloneWithReferencePointOverride(ReferencePointOverride referencePointOverride)
public java.lang.Integer rehearsalMarkOffset()
public Tags cloneWithRehearsalMarkOffset(java.lang.Integer rehearsalMarkOffset)
public java.lang.Integer restNumeral()
public Tags cloneWithRestNumeral(java.lang.Integer restNumeral)
public boolean silent()
public Tags cloneWithSilent(boolean silent)
public boolean slashedStem()
public Tags cloneWithSlashedStem(boolean slashedStem)
public boolean smallSize()
public Tags cloneWithSmallSize(boolean smallSize)
public boolean spacingByPart()
public Tags cloneWithSpacingByPart(boolean spacingByPart)
public boolean splitStem()
public Tags cloneWithSplitStem(boolean splitStem)
public boolean staffName()
public Tags cloneWithStaffName(boolean staffName)
public java.lang.Integer staffStep()
public Tags cloneWithStaffStep(java.lang.Integer staffStep)
public java.lang.Integer thickness()
public Tags cloneWithThickness(java.lang.Integer thickness)
public TieDirection tieDirection()
public Tags cloneWithTieDirection(TieDirection tieDirection)
public TupletDescription tupletDescription()
public Tags cloneWithTupletDescription(TupletDescription tupletDescription)
public java.lang.Integer voiceID()
public Tags cloneWithVoiceID(java.lang.Integer voiceID)
public java.lang.Integer width()
public Tags cloneWithWidth(java.lang.Integer width)
public java.lang.String toString()
in class java.lang.Object