Class Accidental

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Accidental
extends MusicSymbol

An Accidental has a shape and optional tags: small size, parenthesis

Nested Class Summary
static class Accidental.Shape
          An Accidental.Shape has constants for the legal shapes.
Field Summary
static DrawShape _flat
static DrawShape _natural
static DrawShape _sharp
Fields inherited from class org.niffty.MusicSymbol
Constructor Summary
Accidental(Accidental.Shape shape, Tags tags)
          Creates a new Accidental with the given parameters.
Method Summary
 void draw(java.awt.Graphics graphics)
          It is expected that the subclass will override this.
 FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
          Get the hotspot for this object in screen coordinates.
 Accidental.Shape getShape()
          Returns the shape.
 void invalidate()
          This is automatically called after the object is modified to force this to recompute all its values when the "get" method is called for the value.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class org.niffty.MusicSymbol
findDefaultAnchor, findLeftPositionedX, findMultiNodes, getIndex, getParentTimeSlice, getTags, isLeftPositionedSymbol, nextInstanceOfInScore, previousInstanceOf, previousInstanceOfInScore, previousInstanceOfInStaff
Methods inherited from class org.niffty.HeirarchyNode
addChild, getChild, getChildCount, getParentNode, nextInHeirarchy, previousInHeirarchy
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final DrawShape _flat


public static final DrawShape _natural


public static final DrawShape _sharp
Constructor Detail


public Accidental(Accidental.Shape shape,
                  Tags tags)
Creates a new Accidental with the given parameters.

shape - the Shape constant. This must not be null.
tags - the tags for this music symbol. If this is null, then this uses an empty Tags object.
Method Detail


public Accidental.Shape getShape()
Returns the shape.


public void invalidate()
This is automatically called after the object is modified to force this to recompute all its values when the "get" method is called for the value.

invalidate in class MusicSymbol


public FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
Get the hotspot for this object in screen coordinates.

Specified by:
getScreenHotspot in interface Anchored
getScreenHotspot in class MusicSymbol
The position of the hotspot in screen coordinates from top-left of screen (not relative to an anchor). This is a FinalPoint and not a Point so that the class can give access to its screen hotspot object knowing that the caller will not modify it. This is more efficient that returning a new Point every time getScreenHotspot() is called.
See Also:


public void draw(java.awt.Graphics graphics)
Description copied from class: MusicSymbol
It is expected that the subclass will override this.

draw in class MusicSymbol


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object